2012年1月2日 Whether you are an employee, a manager, an entrepreneur or a CEO, The Sustainable MBA Second Edition provides the knowledge and tools to help you ‘green’
More2015年3月5日 The Economist's Full-Time Global MBA rankings for 2014. This table shows the 2014 global rankings of Full-Time MBA programs, ranked by The Economist. View
More2015年6月4日 The 2014 Financial Times rankings of Executive MBA programs worldwide, Find rankings and search for EMBA programs here,
MoreEduniversaal ranks the top business schools worldwide for 2014 after its 7th Eduniversal World Convention. Find and compare top business schools.
MoreAccording to the Federation of American Scientists: "Though sometimes compared to the US Defense Intelligence Agency, [the GRU's] activities encompass those performed by nearly all joint US military intelligence agencies as well as other national US organizations. The GRU gathers human intelligence through military attaches and foreign agents. It also maintains significant signals intelligence (SIGINT) and imagery reconnaissance (IMINT) and satellite imagery capabi
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